Where has the summer even gone, y’all? I feel like it just started, but here I am back-to-school shopping and prepping for the new school year. One of my goals this year is to really stay on top of the kids’ school activities and homework. And in order to do that, I need the kids to be involved and engaged. Which is where this printable student planner comes in.
Printable School Planner
Sometimes it feels like I’m pulling teeth when I try to pin my kids down on what homework is due, or even what day they need to return their library books. It drives me nuts! So with that in mind, I created a planner and a planning system that is functional, easy to use, and fun to write in (maybe that will get my kids excited about homework? Maybe?!).
Here’s what you need to make your own student planner:
- Student Planner digital files (see bottom of this post to download)
- Copy paper
- (optional) Cardstock for the cover and binder strip
- Post-it® Flags and Tabs
- 3-ring binder
- (optional) Post-it® Filing Tabs to create monthly dividers
I found everything I needed at Walmart, which is where we do most of our back-to-school shopping. You can find the Post-it Flags and Tabs in the back-to-school section at your local Walmart (you’ll recognize it by all the yellow boxes!).
Post-it has been a staple in my house since I was a child, and I am always finding new ways to incorporate their fun products into my daily life.
Here’s how to print your own student planner:
Download the files by clicking on the black and white download button at the bottom of this post. You’ll have have three files to download – the Cover and Binder Strips, the About Me page, and the planner pages.
The cover and binder strips look best on card stock, but regular paper is fine, too!
To print the planning pages, which as you’ll see are designed to print on the front and the back of your page, you have two options:
- If you have duplex printing, print the file on the “duplex printing” setting to print front and back. Or, if your printer is a little wonky like mine and likes to eat the pages when you use the duplex feature, try this:
- Print all odd pages. Return paper to printer. Print all even pages in reverse order (these are all options you’ll have in your printer settings).
I recommend printing one month at a time (or maybe a few at a time, rather than printing 10 copies of the file at once…if that makes sense) to reduce printer mishaps (occasionally mine will skip a page, or pull two page through, and that messes it all up).
Here’s how to use your printable student planner with the Post-it Flag system I’ve created:
Monthly tabs, like the ones I’ve made here using Post-it Filing Tabs, are helpful, but optional. You can easily find the page you need just by marking it with a Post-it Flag.
I created a key for our Post-it Flags that the kids can easily follow. My plan is to have them place the flags where they need to be. I can easily grab their notebook and open to today’s page, or see when something is due, or know when I need to send the kids money (for lunches or field trips or fundraisers) just by flipping to the page that is flagged with the appropriate color.
You can get the printable back-to-school stickers you see pictured above here.
SO EASY. Please, darling spawn, help a mother out and actually do this for me.
I reeally love how this puts the responsibility in their hands. And also, it’s fun…they love playing with these Post-it Flags (which you can reuse and move around…they’re repositionable!).
At the back of the notebook I’ve included a folder. The kids will put their worksheets and in-progress homework assignments here.
Download your own copy of the student planner below.
I hope you guys love this student planner and the planning system my kids and I are going to use this year to keep us all on the same page. I’m super excited about it, and I hope you are too!
I love the idea of creating a key with the tabs! #client
My kids are excited about it…and I feel like it gives them some ownership!
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I reeally love how this puts the responsibility in their hands. And also, it’s fun…they love playing with these Post-it Flags (which you can reuse and move around…they’re repositionable!).