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Printable Rainbow Habit Tracker

Printable Rainbow Habit Tracker

Today I’m sharing with you this gorgeous printable rainbow habit tracker! A habit tracker is great to have for your planner and this monthly habit tracker just so happens to be bright, fun, and beautiful which is all the better! 

If you like rainbow planner pages you’ll love this rainbow habit tracker. It’s a free printable monthly habit tracker that works to help you track and manage your goals all in one place. Read on for more tips, matching printables, and downloads. 

Today I'm sharing with you this gorgeous printable rainbow habit tracker! A habit tracker is great to have for your planner and this monthly habit tracker just so happens to be bright, fun, and beautiful which is all the better! 

Printable Rainbow Habit Tracker

It’s still early in the year which means we are all still trying to lock in those healthy habits for the year ahead, right? If so, you’ll love this rainbow habit tracker. It’s easy to use and it’s a functional and colorful way to keep track of which goals are already becoming habits and which you need to focus more energy on! 

What is a monthly habit tracker? 

A monthly habit tracker is a single sheet printable that you use to keep your goals organized. A habit tracker, like my printable rainbow habit tracker, is used to keep track of tasks that you want to be doing everyday or multiple times per week. 

At the end of the month you can then look back and see where you succeeded and where you need to focus on making changes. Things like working out, drinking a certain amount of water, meditating, work or writing sprints, and more can be logged and tracked with a monthly habit tracker. 

You’ll see below how to use this rainbow habit tracker to keep your goals and tasks organized so that you have a clear overview of which areas you are rocking and which need some further motivation and assistance. 

{Don’t miss out on the amazing and useful printables in my Etsy Shop!}

How to use a rainbow habit tracker: 

The only thing better than a gorgeous printable that is free is one that is easy to use! This printable rainbow habit tracker could not be easier to set up and use. 

All you need to do is jot down the task, habit you are trying to create, or goal you have on the side column and then each day if you do that one thing you color in the corresponding square. 

This printable is designed to be used as many times as you need so you can print 12 copies and set up your entire year or just print a new one each month when you are ready. 

Each printable rainbow habit tracker has 31 blocks so you just disregard those extra blocks on months that don’t have 31 days. You can black out those columns if you like or just leave them entirely blank. 

At the end of the month you’ll have a clear view of which tasks you knocked out of the park and which ones need work! This is a great way to develop habits and keep track of work, exercise, and more. 

Today I'm sharing with you this gorgeous printable rainbow habit tracker! A habit tracker is great to have for your planner and this monthly habit tracker just so happens to be bright, fun, and beautiful which is all the better! 

{Download the Printable Rainbow Habit Tracker Here}

Looking for more rainbow themed printables? 

If you like rainbow themed printables you are in the right place. I love free printables but I also like them to have a bright, colorful, and fun vibe. These matching rainbow planner accessories and printables will go great with this monthly habit tracker. Check them all out below and be sure to let me know what other kinds of printables you’d like to see! 

Not finding what you are looking for? Stop on over to my Etsy store where I have tons of printables and physical products that might suit your needs! 

Here are some other posts you might like, click the image to learn more! 

This printable weekly planner page is great for keeping track of all the many things you have going on throughout the week! My free downloadable weekly planning template is perfect for staying organized. 

This gorgeous printable rainbow project planner is useful, cute, and simple to print at home. If you need a way to keep things organized and on track, try this simple printable project planner! 

Pin showing the finished printable rainbow daily planning page with title at the top.


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Thank you for sharing. You have the best planners.

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