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Printable Pantry Inventory List


I’m proud to be working with CVS Pharmacy on the CVS Pharmacy Difference Campaign. All opinions expressed are my own, and all product claims or program details shared should be verified at or with the appropriate manufacturers. Be sure to download your free printable pantry inventory below!

Every six months or so, I get a crazy itch to clean out the pantry. In a whilwind of take everything out and scrub and throw stuff away and replace in an orderly fashion madness (that will last for all of three days), I always find myself shocked at the long-expired vitamin bottles and OTC meds we pick up throughout the year.

Printable Pantry InventoryI mean, really…how does this even happen?

I feel like I am cleaning out the pantry every few months, so how is it even possible to find a bottle of vitamin C that expired three years ago? How?!

I finally made a printable pantry inventory list to help us keep track of what needs to be thrown out and what’s soon-to-be expired. This also really helps us to keep on top of what we need to pick up at the store. 

My son uses a prescription nose spray for severe allergies. I don’t like to give it to him all the time, though. We mostly find ourselves using it, and refilling the prescription, during the fall and spring months, when his allergies are at the worst. Having a place to write down the expiration date really helps me be proactive with refilling prescriptions I might not need to refill on a monthly basis.

Printable Pantry InventoryWe do all of our prescription filling at the CVS Pharmacy inside our local Target. And while I pretty much put everything on paper, I can also appreciate a helpful app when I see one – and the CVS app has tons of helpful features, especially for families filling multiple prescriptions. With a drug interaction checker, a pill identifier, and MedRemind (which can notify you or a loved one when it’s time to take a pill, and remind you if you’ve forgotten), the CVS Mobile App is a great way to stay on top of your medications.

For more detailed drug information, CVS users have access to the Drug Information Center, where users can easily search thousands of drugs to better understand their particular prescription or learn about drugs they may need to take. 

With the Drug Information Center, you can even find details on side effects, their occurence rates, and patient usage statistics for thousands of drugs. This information wasn’t previously available, and it can be super helpful to someone starting a new prescription (or, if you’re like me, and you like to research, research, research everything!). 

AND…you can get a Printable Medicine List, where you can combine prescription and non-prescription health information into place. This printable folds into card size, so you can stick it in your wallet and always have it with you. (Yay, printable!)

Printable Pantry Inventory List

CVS Pharmacy has been inside Target for a couple of months now, and I’ve found it combines the best of both worlds…the pharmacy we use with my favorite place to shop. 

And now that I know when my vitamins and prescriptions are about to expire…I imagine I’ll have even more reason to head over to Target. 

Download your own Pantry Inventory Printable below.

Download ButtonYou can learn more about the CVS Pharmacy in Target here. And you can read the most popular FAQs here.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook for lots of free printables, easy recipes, and family-friendly ideas.

And check out the helpful printables below:

Printable Prescription Refill Reminder StickersPrintable Prescription Reminder Stickers

Printable Shopping ListPrintable Shopping List

Printable Day PlannerPrintable Day Planner


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Cute! Thanks for sharing on Monday Funday!

This is perfect. Thanks for sharing.

This is darling and I love your style! Thanks for linking up to our Link Party Palooza – if you ever want to contribute to on a regular basis, we’d love to have you on our team! Shoot me an email! 🙂

I had to do this just the other day I love this form that would be easy to keep by
come see us at

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