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Printable Goal Planning Page

Printable Goal Planning Page

One of the things I spend time doing every year, month, and week (and sometimes even daily!) is goal planning. It doesn’t have to be huge. Sometimes, just getting the laundry done is my only goal for a day. Other days, my to-do list is a mile long and my goals involve traipsing through it and crossing off all the items on the list.

We all have goals. Big goals, little goals, and mostly in-between goals. But what I’ve learned about goals is that having goals is one thing – planning for them and then executing is another thing entirely. 

Printable Goal Planning TemplateIt’s so important to have a plan, y’all. It’s true that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, but…a plan in place is always better than no plan at all when you’re trying to reach specific goals. You can modify plans, and you can modify goals…but you’ve got to lay it all out there so you know what’s working and what’s not.

This printable goal planning template will help you find clarity and direction when you set your goals and start working towards them!

Printable Goal Planning Template

Printable Goal Planning TemplateIf you follow me over on Facebook, you’ve probably seen me talking lots about goals, planning and vision boards lately. I love this kind of stuff (obviously…hence the planner shop!).

Let me give you a quick rundown on how to use this to maximize your success. 

In the “Goal” section, define your goal. Be specific. Like, really, really specific. Don’t say, “lose weight,” or “earn extra money.” Say, “lose five pounds,” or, “earn $100 extra dollars this month.” The more specific and attainable, the better. You can still shoot for the stars! If you have 50 pounds to lose, though, break it out into smaller, five-pound goals. 

In the “Goal Plan” section, define your plan. It might be, “stick to the 21 Day Fix for 21 days,” or, “work two extra hours a week,” or, “walk around the block twice a day.” It should be clear, actionable, and realistic.

Printable Goal Planning TemplateWrite down a due date. Don’t skip this! When that due date hits, sit down and see how you’ve done. If you haven’t reached your goal by then, it’s okay…modify and try again.

Under “Action Items,” track the things you need to do to reach your goal. If you’re trying to lose weight on the 21 Day Fix, for example, your action items might looks like this:

  • Buy workout program
  • Create meal plan every Sunday
  • Join 21 Day Fix support group on Facebook
  • Schedule workouts for week

Etc., etc.

Printable Goal Planning TemplateUse the “Dream Big” section to track progress, write down ideas for you next goal, reflect on what’s working or not working, and track inspirational thoughts or challenges you come across. Basically, whatever you want.

Once your goal’s complete, check the “Goal Complete” box and celebrate. Seriously! Celebrate big!

So simple, right?!

You can download your printable goal planning template below. You’ll notice the area you write in is shifted a bit to the right…this is so you can punch holes and stick it in a binder.

If you’re goal planning, you might also check out this vision board template and weekly planning page.

If you like this printable goal planning template and want the full set, you can buy it on my shop here. Use code BLOGREADERGOALS for 30% off your order of all digital products – and that include the Carrie Elle Printable Club, which gives you every printable we sell for an entire year (including all the existing ones…the full Goal Tracker printables, too! It retails for $50/year and includes hundreds of dollars worth of downloads, so this is a great deal!).

Printable Goal Planning Template

Printable Goal Planning Template

Follow us on Facebook for tons of free printables and planning help! 

And I think you’ll love the posts below, too!

How to Print Printables


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I just found you and I think from what I have read so far your site just might be the answer to my beginner blues. There is solo much stuff out there I don’t know where to start Wish me luck.

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