Remember back in January when I talked about how I wasn’t making resolutions…I was making plans? Well, one of those plans was to lose weight and get in shape. And to be honest, I’ve tried about six diets in as many weeks and failed every. single. time.
So, last week I got serious and joined Weight Watchers. Again.
You guys – I have forty pounds to lose. FORTY. I thought I could do it myself, but…instead of losing, I just keep gaining. Another five pounds here, a pair of jeans one size larger there…it hasn’t been pretty. Clearly, I am having trouble doing this on my own.
A few things have changed since I last attended a Weight Watchers meeting. The points values are a little bit different (one thing I love about Weight Watchers is that they keep up with nutritional info and seem to adjust as new information is available), and they now have a “Smart Start” program to kickstart your diet.
I decided I’d share this journey, or at least parts of it, because surely I’m not the only one out there struggling to lose weight and slipping backwards instead of making any progress.
Besides, I have some good news after my first weigh-in. 😉
The Smart Start program allows you to ease in gently…you don’t have to count points (except for your daily “indulgences,” like chocolate/peanut butter/guacamole…that sort of thing), but you do have to eat from a provided menu. Along with a bunch of recipes, they provide a shopping list and tons of different ways to create your own meals.
An example: For lunch, you can choose a whole grain, a protein, and a veggie to make a sandwich. Super easy to follow, and all foods I actually EAT (I’m super picky, so that’s kind of a big deal). Or, choose a whole grain, a protein, and a veggie to make a salad…or a piece of chicken with some rice and carrots…you get the idea.
The food choices are great, and you definitely do not have to starve yourself, but truthfully…it was hard. To go from eating everything I want whenever I want to monitoring the types and the amounts of food I am eating is rough! And the mindless snacking is going to be tough to beat, because I am the queen of grabbing a handful of almonds from the pantry every time I walk by.
But I mostly did it! There was a little slip on the weekend when I made the choice to go for the second glass of wine (me + wine = eating ALL THE FOOD) and happened to find myself next to a giant bowl of tortilla chips, but it was okay…I got right back on track the next morning.
Tonight was my second meeting, and my second weigh-in. I used to be able to tell if I’ve gained or lost a pound or two, but at my current weight a pound isn’t much and I can’t really tell either way. I went in to the meeting unsure and a little nervous (I was going to be so disappointed if that scale didn’t reflect my hard work).
I was shocked and so, SO happy to see that I’d lost 4.2 pounds this past week!
I decided to do one more week on the Smart Start program before I start counting points. Counting points is hard, and I want to spend this week focusing on portion control to prep for all that point-counting I’ll be doing (because that’s when I’ll really have to face the music).
Week 1? A success. Wish me luck for Week 2!
What about you? Are you struggling with keeping healthy eating/weight loss resolutions or meeting your goals in those areas? Or do you have a success story for me?
Also – I have a Pinterest board where I pin easy recipes for people on diets (booooo, diets!) – come join me over there!
Congratulations on you’re new plan and sticking to it! 🙂 And congratulations on you’re 4.2 lb weight loss. Woo! Hoo! I’m cheering you along.
In 07′ for the 2nd time in my life I changed the way I eat and moved more. I had been taking care of my Dad and gained a lot of weight in the process but didn’t care. After he passed away I decided to make some changes specifically eating healthier and walking. It was slow going at first. Over the course of a few years I gradually lost 57 lbs. I started viewing food as fuel for my body which is not to say I didn’t splurge because I did and still do.) Weight loss wasn’t my goal although I DID need to lose weight. Honestly I didn’t think I would because I had carried the weight for so long I couldn’t imagine losing it. I’m still concious of the foods I eat and walk in the mornings, most days and the weight has stayed off.
Thank you!!
And thanks for the inspiration, too…I love success stories that don’t involve weird diets or miracle pills! Good old-fashioned hard work. Congrats!
I also joined weight watchers last week…again. My first week was good..lost 3.2 lbs!!! This week has been great. I am not doing simple start but this week I have really been sticking to program, counting points, measuring, preparing food and I feel really good!! I am 53 and every year I gain 10 lbs and I am tired of it!! My husband, who also needs to drop a few, is following program with me at home. We are empty nesters now so we are enjoying the shopping and cooking and counting points. What is depressing is he gets 51 points per day and is having trouble getting them all in!!! I have no problem getting in my 26!! If only he could share his points with me!!
Good luck to you and I will check on your blog to see how you are doing!!!
Oh I know what you mean!! My husband is joining me, too, and he gets 60 points! I also get 26, and…it’s not easy when he gets to eat twice as much as me!
But congrats on your loss, that’s awesome!
After a rough start this week, I finally got on track and REALLY kept up with my points and it’s crazy how much I eat – counting points really puts me in check.