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Free Printable Road Trip Activity Binder for Kids

Free Printable Road Trip Activity Binder for Kids

 When I was a kid, my mom would drive us from San Diego to Portland, Oregon every year. My dad rarely went…it was usually my mom, me, my brother, and my sister. God bless her for driving all that way with three little kids, because now that I’m a parent I realize how hard that had to have been! But I am so grateful for it…this was pre-screens, y’all (waaaaaaaay pre-screens), and I have some great memories of those trips. Now, I am not a hardened mother of the 70s and 80s, and I’m not opposed to screens when we travel with our kids (who are older now, anyway)…but old school road trip activities are fun, too. And I hope you will love this free printable road trip activity binder for kids. These are tried and true road trip games for kids!

What’s Included in Your Free Road Trip Activity Binder

Here’s what’s included in this cute binder:

  • Cover
  • Word Search
  • Road Trip Bucket List – Fill this up with fun things you want to do on your Road Trip and then check the items off as you complete them.
  • Road Trip Journal Page – Kids can journal and draw about things they see and do on their trip.
  • Bingo pages (4 pages, so 4 can play) – Use a crayon or pencil to mark things off as you find them. First one to get a Bingo wins!
  • Alphabet Game – Each player gets to fill out the form with items they see that start with the letters of the alphabet. When we were kids and would drive to Las Vegas with my parents, whoever spotted the “Zyzzyx” exit first would always win!
  • License Plate Game – Each time you see a license plate from a different state, check it off. Whoever sees the most license plates wins!

How to Make Your Road Trip Activity Binder for Kids

These pages are specifically designed to fit an 8.5″ x 11″ 3-ring binder. They will also work with a BIG Happy Planner. You can probably find a binder th cheapest at Walmart or your local office supply store). You’ll also need a 3-hole punch!

Use any paper you like! This is my favorite paper (I have a subscription to it, and I get two reams every few months – every time I print something on it and take it out in public, people comment on how awesome it is).

Also be sure to bring some crayons for the kiddos (but don’t leave them on the seat when you get out of the car in the middle of summer to grab lunch or they will met, askmehowIknow).

This printable prints best on 8.5 x 11 paper. There is a margin for you to punch holes.

What other travel printables do you have?

There’s more where this came from!

I have the following 8.5×11 travel printables (this is just a handful of what I’ve got available – you can see all printables by clicking here):

How to download your free printable Road Trip Activity Binder for Kids

You can download your planner inserts by clicking here, or by clicking on the button below. If you have any issues, please email me and I will send you the file or help you troubleshoot.



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