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DIY Candy Heart XO Craft

DIY Candy Heart XO Craft

I love candy hearts. Mostly, eating them. But it seems I’ve also made a bunch of fun DIY candy heart craft projects, as evidenced here, here, and here (geez…Necco needs to give me a job, y’all!). They’re just so fun and easy to use, and basically all you have to do is glue them to something and you’ll get a pretty finished product.

Candy Heart Craft

The only bummer here is that I didn’t take pictures of my process. Mostly because it’s been cold and dark for days and there hasn’t been any light – and I got tired of waiting for the sun, so I just went ahead and made it (and then stared at it for three days on my desk until it was sunny enough to photograph).

Candy Heart Craft

But also, it was pretty easy and I think you get the gist of it just by looking at it. But read on to see where I got my supplies and what I used!

Candy Heart Craft

Candy Heart Craft

Here’s what you need to make this super simple candy heart craft (I normally buy everything at Michaels, but like I’ve said, it’s been cold out – so  I ordered everything from Amazon except for the paint, which I already had):

  • Cardboard letters (x and o)
  • Candy hearts (you can buy them at Walmart for *super* cheap this time of year, but I don’t like the blue hearts! So I bought them from Amazon, no blue hearts included, and didn’t have to deal with the blues. Also, it’s my way of saying, “TAKE THE BLUE HEARTS AWAY, NECCO!”
  • Paint (any pretty pastel will work – white or black might also be cute! – but the color used here is called Baby Pink and the brand is Plaid) 
  • Glue gun (this is the one I have)
  • Paint brush (I used a cheap foam one, like this – it was perfect for painting the nooks and crannies of that X!)

Candy Heart CraftStart by painting your letters. I only did one coat because I wanted to get these done right.this.second. But next time I’d probably add a second coat.

Once your paint is dry, use your hot to glue to affix the hearts to the letters. I did a line of glue and three hearts at a time. I flipped my hearts over and glued them face-down. I might leave a few with the sayings right-side-up next time. 

To make this kid-friendly, swap out the hot glue for regular craft glue and let them at it!

And that’s it! I told you it was easy!

Candy Heart Craft

This will probably go on my mantel next to my candy heart trees from last year.

Here are a couple other fun ways I found to use candy hearts:

Be sure to join us on Facebook for more easy crafts like this one. And check out the other candy heart creations below!

Easy Candy Heart Craft

An ode to my favorite candy, ever…a wreath made of candy hearts.








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I really like this idea! I love the pastel colors.

Such a cute, creative DIY! Thanks for sharing at #bestoftheweekend

I’ve made crafts with these before but over time, they always fade or start to disintegrate. Does that happen to you too?

Super cute idea!

So cute and easy. My girls would enjoy making these, if they didn’t eat all the conversation hearts first.

So cute , looks so trendy on the desk.

[…] Candy Heart XO-Full plan […]


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